Since 2015 the Dutch Architects Title Act (Wet op de architectentitel) makes the completion of a professional traineeship mandatory for all graduates from Delft, University of Technolgy to obtain the title and fully take on the responsibilities of an Architect. As our third generation trainees for the program, Charlotte de Boon, Sjoerd Poelman and Inez Goessens each passed the final (online) assessment interview with flying colours. They were mentored by Marjan van Diepen and Twan Steeghs.
According to Sjoerd "The program helped me grow into a more all-round architect, it allowed me to broaden my experiences while keeping up with exploring new frontiers in parametric design." Charlotte states "I am so happy to have tackled this program together with Sjoerd and Inez, challenging each other along the way on the interpretation of the terms and how to apply these to our personal situations." Inez affirms being grateful to have had Charlotte, Sjoerd, Twan and Marjan with her going through the steps and experiencing ample support of Fokkema & Partners along the way: "I am proud to follow into my dad's footsteps, the second generation of Goessens is now registered as an architect'.
The quality of what we do comes down to the people in our team.
To support our young colleagues to further develop their professional skills after obtaining a masters' degree in Architecture, we have an in-house training program. Marjan van Diepen: "Through monthly sessions, we offer a fast forward towards a birds-eye perspective on what it takes to realise great architectural concepts. They get acquainted with the broader aspects of the profession and the operations of an office. Personally mentoring the BEP students also means reflecting on the job together, sharing knowledge and know-how. It goes both ways, and it is a lot of fun!"