An Action-Packed In-House Day with Site Visits

Fokkema & Partners invites architecture students in their master's program, recent graduates and young people taking a special interest in building heritage and circularity, to apply for an action-packed in-house day with two site visits.
What does it take to realize a fully circular and zero waste renovation? How to upgrade a building from an energy level G to A and re-position it in the urban fabric with efficient interventions?
We want to inspire you, the future generation of architects, to see the beauty in transformations, learning about a sustainable future for our building heritage. To illustrate, we will visit two building renovations in The Hague
- The Hotelschool The Hague shows an incredible transformation of an energy-deficient building that was hidden away from the streets, depleted of its architectural qualities, into a radiant example of 1960’s modernism with a contemporary user experience.

- How can we rethink circular design?
At the Nationale Nederlanden we aimed for a 100% circular and 0% waste project. And we are quite proud of the result! You will see the circular aesthetics of a waste-based design with smart joinery. You will learn how we mined and added value to existing materials. On top of that, Nationale Nederlanden is a large-scale testing ground for innovative waste-based and circular materials. It achieved for the highest WELL certification and takes life cycle analysis into account.
Lots of inspiration to take away!
What became clear to me is the strength of working as a team, recognizing and optimizing personal qualities

And at the day's finale, back in Delft, you will get to know our entire team during our office drink.
17 November 2022
13.00 – 20.00 hours