The Stichting tot Behoud van de Historische Buitenplaats Ockenburgh (Villa Ockenburgh) (SHBO) represents more than 150 local volunteers who have worked for a decade to renovate Buitenplaats Ockenburgh, which was founded in The Hague in 1654. We are proud to have been part of this! Volunteers still play a major role. They maintain the Villa Ockenburgh and the (vegetable) garden and organise many cultural events throughout the year. Read more about the award on the Vila Ockenburgh website.
Watch the film about the project.
Public vote
On 7 October, the European Heritage Awards 2024 presentation will occur at the Romanian Athenaeum. To also win the Public Prize à €10,000, Buitenplaats Ockenburgh requires votes! Please vote via this link before 22 September.
Stichting tot Behoud van de Historische Buitenplaats Ockenburgh (Villa Ockenburgh), Europa Nostra, Karin Zwinkels - de Jong, Petra Brekelmans.
The key to success is the power of working together:
Professionals #fokkemaenpartners, #jurrienswest, #jansnelflexibelbouwen, #volunteers, and charity donations by #erfgoedtafellandgoederenzonepzh, #fonds1818, #rabofoundation, #VSBfonds, #stichtingdeversterking, #kubofonds, #rabobankstimuleringsfonds, #cultuurfonds, #degroenemotor, #maex, #FREDfonds, #pieterbastiaan, #hendrikmullerfonds, #stichtingdoen, #gravinvanbylandtstichting, and many others who helped to make our community dream come true.