How can circular interior design be made easy and fun?
Designing circular spaces presents unique challenges and opportunities. This guide is dedicated to helping readers achieve their circular design aspirations. By adopting an inside-out approach, it focuses on architectural strategies that start from the interior and expand outward.
VOLUME 63 highlights three compelling case studies, including an in-depth look at our Nationale-Nederlanden project. This edition features insightful interviews with a diverse array of participants, from clients and contractors to designers, architects, makers, sustainability accountants, and demolition teams. They all pinch in and share their learnings, while also looking in depth at circular calculation tools, developments in bio-based materials and the importance of adapting our understanding of aesthetics.
Read all about the publication via this link.

Guest edited by Marieke van den Heuvel.
Interviews with Fiction Factory, Circu Leren, Hollandse Nieuwe, NICE, Fokkema & Partners Architecten, Superuse Studios, LBP|SIGHT, and Opera amongst others.
VOLUME is a project by Archis and Nieuwe Instituut.
Project team Fokkema & Partners: Twan Steeghs, Dirk Zwaan, Evie Nagelkerke. Saskia Roelofs - de Tombe, Marjolijn Damen, Almaz Paalvast, Sjoerd Poelman.