Nomination Gulden Feniks 2021
The Ockenburgh Estate in The Hague received a nomination in the NRP Gulden Feniks 2021, a Dutch architecture and urbanism award for best practice in Renovation and Transformation.
With the Ockenburgh Estate, the jury of the Gulden Feniks 2021 highlight a multi-faceted transformation of a nationally listed monument. To save the national listed Ockenburgh estate, neighbouring residents made a plan to revive the estate based on participation. Fokkema & Partners Architecten was involved to re-design the floorplans and advise on the engineering of the complete restoration. The casco restoration was executed by the City of The Hague. Jurriaans Bouw took on the interior construction works. The initiative is supported by Fonds 1818, Rabo Foundation, Erfgoedtafel Provincie Zuid-Holland, VSB Fonds, Fonds Ruimte en Economie (FRED) and The DOEN Foundation, among others.

An loud shout out for its entrepreneurial spirit to Stichting tot behoud van de Historische Buitenplaats Ockenburgh (Villa Ockenburgh) and all volunteers linked to the project, for regenerating our cultural heritage and giving the estate a new role to play in our society, bringing people together to meet, learn, grow, create and enjoy the natural surrounding.
Ockenburgh is nominated in the category transformations alongside Fort van Hoofddorp, Opstandingskerk Voorburg, Post Utrecht and a local church in Moerwijk, The Hague that converts to residences. The winner will be announced on November 16th.