Learning about the beauty of the interior

In October we hosted a talent event for Architecture Students, offering the selected students a chance to get acquainted with the dynamic day-to-day work at our office.
With visits to Robeco in FIRST Rotterdam and HabrakenRutten in the Millenium Tower, we showed how the beauty of the interior realm has so much to offer for architects. To make a design in close collaboration with the end-user and the builders, generally with fast turnaround times, results in developing a natural user-oriented perspective. In our view making innovative, sustainable, and meaningful architecture, starts with a good understanding of all users, building processes, nature, and technology.
The most important thing I learned must be the way to look at space, striving to make space for the mind, for personal interpretations: space can be so much more than mere physical space

We thank the participants for their enthusiasm and their personal evaluations:
“The team has struck me as a close and fun group of architects, working on a wide variety of projects with a lot of passion and precision”
“What became clear to me from this glimpse into the building practice is the strength of working as a team, recognizing and optimizing personal qualities”
“The most important thing I learned must be the way to look at space, striving to make space for the mind, for personal interpretations: space can be so much more than mere physical space”