The grade A listed villa Ockenburgh at the edge of The Hague dates back to the 17th century and was restored with the help of many committed volunteers. Fokkema & Partners was asked by the Citizen's initiative to save the Ockenburgh estate (SHBO) to design and advise on the engineering of the restoration of the dilapidated building, which had been abandoned for over 20 years. It now houses a restaurant with events-, learning- and meeting spaces. Self-sustaining exploitation was made possible with sustainable measures to ensure its future. The villa is located at the centre of wonderful estate grounds and includes a 17th century inspired vegetable garden. This August it was awarded the HOP prize (Haagse Openbare ruimte Prijs) commending the importance of good public space. 

Last week several events were organised to thank contributors, volunteers and students and celebrate the opening of the villa on Tuesday 17th. To plan your visit, go to

Our warm congratulations to the foundation, the volunteers, catering operators and the city of The Hague on the success of the initiative! For more about the citizen's initiative

Execution of the casco restoration was taken on by the municipality. The complete interior restoration works were executed by Jurriaans bouw, offering student placements. All of which was closely monitored by the Dutch Foundation for Heritage Preservation.